
What is a defibrillator? 
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are light-weight portable devices that send an electric pulse or shock to the heart of someone experiencing sudden cardiac arrest in order to restore a normal heartbeat. They are now found in many public spaces to be used to save lives in an emergency.

Why do we need one?
The East Anglia Air Ambulance states in its promotional leaflet: 

It is our belief that defibrillators should be as common as fire extinguishers, regularly maintained and readily available”.

An estimated 30,000 people a year in the UK suffer a sudden cardiac arrest. No matter your age or fitness level, sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone. The chance of surviving a cardiac arrest jumps from 6% to 74% if a defibrillator is deployed within 3 minutes.

We cannot always rely on paramedics to arrive swiftly.
Every 999 call-responder will ask “Is there access to a defibrillator?”

Where is my nearest defibrillator?
Sharrington Village Hall. Location Postcode – NR24 2AB, 

What3words – Foster Evolution Permit 

How did we get one for Sharrington?
With support of the village as a whole, who have been very generous with donations, both through JustGiving and directly. This has enabled us to purchase and install the defibrillator in a matter of weeks, so thank you to all who contributed both financially and/or with their time. 

The Village Hall agreed to adopt the unit as it was the most obvious place for ease of installation and for access if it were ever needed, so thank you to them too.

For any further information about training and ongoing support, please contact the registered Guardian:

Martin Burkitt 01263 861939.

If you wish to make a donation towards ongoing support please use the link below: